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German climate plan draft looks to raise 2030 solar, wind targets

Germany's government is considering lifting 2030 targets for solar and onshore wind by 50 GW and 24 GW respectively, according to a leaked document seen by S&P Global Platts June 4.

read more... 07/06/2021


EU carbon border mechanism to require surrender of certificates

A proposed EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism will require companies importing carbon-intensive goods into Europe to surrender certificates based on their carbon content, according to a leaked draft legislative proposal seen by S&P Global Platts.

read more... 07/06/2021


Daily (04.06.2021): French and German spot above 71 EUR/MWh on Thursday as renewable output wanes

Oil prices steadied as the slow roll-out of vaccinations and high infections rate in countries like Brazil and India counterbalanced demand prospects and US economic data. As such, Brent crude and WTI crude settled at $71.31 and at $68.81 a barrel respectively on Thursday.

read more... 04/06/2021


Romania commits to phase out coal by 2032

Romania will exit coal by 2032 at the latest and pass a law by mid-2022 to address the closure of mines and adopt socio-economic measures to support coal communities and reskilling of worers, according to the country’s official recovery plan.

read more... 04/06/2021


UK urges small businesses to pledge net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner

Every small business in the UK is being urged to take “small, practical steps” to reduce their emissions as part of the journey towards net zero by 2050, in the run up to the COP26 climate summit taking place in Glasgow in November.

read more... 04/06/2021
