Latest news

China to build the largest underground gas storage in Turkey

Turkey has inked a deal with China Tianchen Engineering Corp. to construct the largest underground natural gas storage facility in the center of Turkey, with a capacity of up to one billion cubic meters.

read more... 30/11/2011


UK Government pressed to double its gas storage capacity

The UK government has to double its gas storage capacity by 2020 as it aims to safeguard energy supplies and to reduce the impact of energy price hikes, according to an influential group of MPs.

read more... 31/10/2011


The Longannet carbon project on the way to collapse

The UK government announced that it cancelled the plans to invest £1bn in the construction of the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project at Longannet in Scotland, blaming that the technology is too expensive and stating that the new project does not meet the Britain’s ambition to become a clean technology leader.

read more... 25/10/2011


UK needs more gas storages to prevent a volatile future

The major industrial gas users in the UK addressed to energy minister Charles Hendry, asking for more investments in UK gas storage facilities to prevent a volatile future and to ensure the integrity of supply.

read more... 14/09/2011


GDF Suez to become a natural gas storage leader

French utility GDF Suez has inked a deal to buy 5 natural gas underground storage facilities in Germany and a 19.7% stake in another one, strengthening its leading position in Europe.

read more... 06/09/2011
