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Protests In Iran Erupt While U.S. Sanctions Loom

A fresh wave of protests erupted in Iran over the weekend against the plunging value of the local currency and rising prices, in what some observers and analysts describe as the biggest protest in the capital Tehran since 2012, just before the previous sanctions on Iran were imposed.

read more... 26/06/2018


Angola: Eni announces a new oil discovery offshore Angola

Eni has announced a new oil discovery in Block 15/06, in the Kalimba exploration prospect, in Angola’s deep offshore. The new discovery is estimated to contain between 230 and 300 million barrels of light oil in place.

read more... 26/06/2018


U.S. Sanctions Won’t Affect Iraq-Iran Crude Oil Swap Deal

The return of the U.S. sanctions on Iran will not impact an agreement between Iran and Iraq to swap crude oil, Iraq’s Oil Minister Jabbar al-Luiebi said on Friday.

read more... 25/06/2018


Royal Dutch Shell divests $1.3bn worth of oil and gas assets in Norway, Malaysia

Royal Dutch Shell has announced the sale of oil and gas assets in Norway and Malaysia for a total of more than $1.3bn.

read more... 22/06/2018


China Set To Cut U.S. Oil Imports As Trade War Heats Up

Chinese oil customers plan to reduce their intake of U.S. crude oil from September onwards to avoid a possible import tariff on American oil in China, due to the uncertain outcome of the current trade tensions, Reuters reported on Thursday, citing Chinese industry sources

read more... 22/06/2018
