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UK budget tax modifications can save millions in oil and gas

The trade association for the oil and gas industry has declared that the Autumn Budget could save millions of pounds by presenting a tax change to postpone the decommissioning of older energy fields.

read more... 23/11/2017


British household energy industry is on the path towards the biggest reorganization of the decade

British household energy industry is on the path towards the biggest reorganization of the decade

read more... 08/11/2017


Daily (02.11.2017): Electricity prices in Europe recovered on Wednesday after the All Saints holiday

Oil prices dropped on Wednesday, after weekly U.S. government inventory data indicated the recent crude stock draw was not as huge as an industry trade group had expected.

read more... 02/11/2017


Mergers and acquisitions in oil and gas industry will increase

Mergers and acquisitions in oil and gas industry will increase

read more... 17/10/2017


Turkmenistan will allocate $93 billion to oil and gas industry

The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov declared its intention to allocate $93 billion to encourage the country’s oil and gas industry, which has been negatively affected by small world prices and Russia’s decreasing demand.

read more... 11/10/2017
