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France nearing 10 GW of installed solar capacity

France commissioned 707 MW of new solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity in the first nine months of 2019, bringing cumulative grid-connected installations to 9,649 MW, government statistics show.

read more... 05/12/2019


France, Belgium may face January supply squeeze

France and Belgium are at risk of facing a winter supply squeeze in January in the event of a severe cold spell, European TSO group Entso-E said in its latest seasonal outlook on Wednesday.

read more... 28/11/2019


France proposes to build 1-GW wind park off Normandy

The French government on Monday unveiled plans for the construction of a 1-GW wind fark off the coast of Normandy.

read more... 20/11/2019


France's EDF says no damage found so far at Cruas nuclear plant after earthquake

Checks carried out by French utility EDF at its Cruas nuclear power plant have revealed no anomalies so far, a company executive said on Tuesday, after it extended outages at three of the facility’s reactors until Nov. 15.

read more... 13/11/2019


France awards 576 MW in oversubscribed onshore wind tender

Projects with a combined capacity of 576 MW were successful in the fourth call of tenders for onshore wind power capacity in France, the government said on Tuesday.

read more... 10/10/2019
