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EU will consider making countries fill gas storage

The European Union will consider whether to require member states to fill their natural gas storage to prescribed levels, a senior official said as the bloc seeks energy security amid fears of a conflict in Ukraine involving major supplier Russia.

read more... 22/02/2022


EU says it is prepared for partial disruption of Russian gas flows

The European Union would be able to cope with a partial disruption to gas imports from Russia, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.

read more... 16/02/2022


New Polish gas plants will cost taxpayers billions, derail green transition

Poland’s plans to build five new gas power plants will cost more than investments into renewables and undermine efforts to reach net zero emissions, according to financial think tank Carbon Tracker.

read more... 11/02/2022


Bulgaria eyes single gas market with Greece, Serbia, North Macedonia

Bulgaria wants to join forces with Greece, Serbia, and North Macedonia to create a single gas market that would improve supply diversity and lead to more favorable gas prices, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said Feb. 8.

read more... 10/02/2022


EU, US pledge gas cooperation as tensions rise over Ukraine

The United States and the European Union pledged on Monday (7 February) to work to ensure gas supplies can respond to disruptions in pipeline gas flows, as tensions rise over the massing of troops on Ukraine’s borders by Russia, Europe’s biggest gas supplier.

read more... 09/02/2022
