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Daily (12.05.2021): European commodity market saw a bullish sentiment on Tuesday, with power and carbon prices at all-time highs

Oil markets saw small fluctuations on Tuesday, with the Brent crude edging marginally upwards by 0.3%, to end at $68.55 a barrel. Meanwhile, U.S. WTI crude rose by 0.6% to $65.28 a barrel.

read more... 12/05/2021


ETS price floor needed for German coal exit

The price floor would also provide "planning security" for investing in low-carbon capacities to replace the coal-fired capacities, Climate Neutrality Foundation managing director Rainer Baake said today at the presentation of the study, which was prepared by research institute Oeko-Institut.

read more... 12/05/2021


Daily (11.05.2021): Front-year European electricity prices rocketed at multi-year highs on Monday as carbon broke the 52 EUR/t mark

Oil markets lacked a clear direction on Monday, with the Brent and WTI crude climbing marginally at $68.32 a barrel and $64.92 a barrel despite a cyber-attack forcing the shutdown of major fuel pipelines in the United States. However, hopes of an upcoming general global demand recovery provided some upside pressure.

read more... 11/05/2021


Italy to produce 70-72 per cent of power from renewables in 2030 to reach EU targets

Up to 72 per cent of Italy's electricity will have to be produced with renewable sources in 2030 in order for the country to reach the European emissions-reduction target of 55 per cent by that year, Italy's Ecology Transition Minister said on Wednesday.

read more... 04/05/2021


‘More stable’ EU ETS prices under lower MSR rate

Lowering the intake rate of the EU emissions trading system's (ETS) market stability reserve (MSR) as planned in the coming years will lead to less volatility in the carbon market than if the current rate is retained under higher emission cut scenarios, according to a report published this week.

read more... 04/05/2021
