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EU countries mull deal on emergency rules to fill gas storage

European Union countries will this week debate a possible deal to share out the costs of buying gas to fill storage and build a supply buffer ahead of next winter, according to a draft document seen by Reuters.

read more... 27/04/2022


EU lawmakers seek swift deal on emergency rules to fill gas storage

European Parliament lawmakers, negotiating emergency rules to fill Europe's gas storage, are pushing for a deal in the next two months to build a supply buffer in time for winter when gas demand for heating peaks.

read more... 21/04/2022


Putin tells Europe: You still need Russian gas but we’re turning east

President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday (14 April) that Moscow would work to redirect its energy exports eastward as Europe tries to reduce its reliance on them, adding that European nations would not be able to ditch Russian gas immediately.

read more... 18/04/2022


GERMAN – Curve tumbles up to EUR 5 with gas fall

German curve power contracts fell up to EUR 5 on Thursday pressured by falling gas prices as liquidity waned, with some anticipating volatility would dominate in the sessions ahead.

read more... 15/04/2022


High gas prices deter Italian storage injections – analysts

Spiralling spot gas prices currently above levels for those next winter are deterring storage injections at Italian sites and delaying the replenishment of inventories, analysts told Montel this week.

read more... 14/04/2022
