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Sweden tops France as Europe's largest net power exporter

Sweden overtook France as Europe's largest net power exporter in the first half of 2022, as deep-rooted problems reduced French nuclear availability to historic lows, Energy analysts EnAppSys said on Wednesday.

read more... 11/08/2022


Britain plans for organised blackouts in January

Britain is making plans for organised blackouts for industry and households over winter when cold weather may coincide with gas shortages, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday.

read more... 10/08/2022


France to become net power importer after 20+ years

France looks set be a net power importer this year due to record low output at nuclear and hydropower facilities, an analyst said on Friday.

read more... 08/08/2022


Spain’s windfall tax could hamper green investments

Spain’s new windfall tax on energy companies won’t be effective in curbing high power prices and could hamper investments in renewable energy, a Spanish power lobby said.

read more... 01/08/2022


Greeks pitch new electricity market model as fight over market reform intensifies

With the EU subject to record-breaking electricity prices, leaders have tasked the European Commission with working towards a reform of a system they consider failed in order to decouple gas prices from electricity prices.

read more... 29/07/2022
