Latest news

Global offshore capacity nears 30GW with 6GW 2019 surge

The offshore wind industry installed just over 6GW of new capacity in 2019, taking total capacity to 29GW, according to figures released by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

read more... 20/03/2020


German hydrogen pipeline planned to aid green industry shift

A group of gas grid operators, oil and utility firms is planning a 130-kilometre hydrogen pipeline to supply industrial customers in north-west Germany, Open Grid Europe (OGE) said.

read more... 19/03/2020


TurkStream delivers over 500 mcm of gas to Europe via Turkey

Russia transferred over 500 million cubic meters (mcm) of natural gas to Europe from Turkey via the TurkStream natural gas pipeline during its first month of operations in January 2020, industry sources said Wednesday.

read more... 20/02/2020


Britain to invest 90 million stg to cut emissions from homes, industry

Britain will invest 90 million pounds ($117 million) on measures to cut carbon dioxide emissions from homes and industry, including two hydrogen plants, the government said on Tuesday.

read more... 19/02/2020


Europe adds 15.4 GW of wind in 2019

Europe added 15.4 GW of new wind power generation capacity in 2019, up by 27% from a year ago, industry body WindEurope announced today.

read more... 18/02/2020
