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Poland's cleaner power imports pile pressure on coal energy

Poland is on track to import a record amount of electricity this year as power traders buy cheaper and cleaner electricity from neighboring countries, reducing demand for the mostly coal-fired energy produced by state-run utilities.

read more... 21/10/2019


Russia blocks coal supplies to Ukraine through Belarus

Ukrainian MP Mykhailo Volynets, who serves as the chairman of the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine, has said that Russia has begun blocking coal exports to Ukraine via Belarus, Kosatka Media has reported.

read more... 11/10/2019


20 Fossil Fuel Companies Generate One Third Of All Global Emissions

New data compiled by the United States-based Climate Accountability Institute and revealed by the Guardian confirms what many already know: at the core of the climate crisis is the fossil fuel industry. The crucial finding from the analysis is that 20 oil, gas and coal companies can be directly linked to over one third of all energy industry greenhouse gases in modern history. Despite knowing the destruction and dangers their activities pose to our planet and people, fossil fuel companies have been driving climate change and hold the key to avoiding impending disaster. What this points to is the urgent need for divestment, in spite of skepticism amongst some leaders.

read more... 10/10/2019


Poland plans to triple solar energy capacity this year

Poland, which generates most of its electricity from coal, is planning to triple its solar energy capacity this year, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told Polish radio on Wednesday.

read more... 10/10/2019


Endesa to close entire Iberian coal fleet

Endesa plans to close all its Iberian coal-fired power stations, ending production from two of Spain's largest power stations, the 1.4 GW As Pontes and 1.1 GW Litoral de Almeria plants, it said late Friday.

read more... 01/10/2019
