Latest news

Russia bearing in mind higher taxes on oil.

A Russian newspaper, Vedomosti, announced Tuesday that the Energy Minister is considering increasing the tax on oil products.

read more... 12/10/2010


China is the most attractive in renewable investments.

China was named, by Ernst & Young, the most attractive place to invest in renewable thanks to its policy of promoting demand on it, taxes on climate, grid connection and regulatory risk.

read more... 24/09/2010


Reverse charge on carbon trading to be introduced by Britain

Reverse value-added tax (VAT) charges on carbon emissions trading will be introduced by the United Kingdom’s tax authority from November 1, as to reduce the risk of carousel fraud.

read more... 25/08/2010


A new tax for nuclear energy in Germany

German parliament proposed the introduction of a new tax on nuclear energy. The tax would constitute 220 euros/gramme of nuclear fuel, and it would rise as long as plants will continue operating.

read more... 19/07/2010


Decision of Federal administrative committee concerning the electricity transport costs in Switzerland

The Federal Administrative Board annulated EIcom’s decision dated on March 6, 2009, when the electricity independent regulatory decided to reduce the taxes for power plants grid utilization by 40%.

read more... 16/07/2010
