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The EU limit on greenhouse gas emissions increased by 5.8%

The European Commission revised up the limit on greenhouse gas emissions from heavy industry it will apply in 2013, announcing on Friday, a level of 2,039,152,882 tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is 5.8% higher than the provisional level of 1.927 billion set by the Commission in July.

read more... 25/10/2010


Enel expand its energy market position in U.S.

Enel Green Power, the renewable energy arm of Italy's biggest utility Enel, will sell the power from its new 200 MW U.S wind farm, in order to expand its positions on the U.S. energy market.

read more... 22/10/2010


Ecotricity is raising its investments in renewable energy

Ecotricity, the UK's largest independent green energy company, plans to raise its investments at $15.7 million, via a 4-year bond in order to accelerate its renewable energy projects.

read more... 21/10/2010


The Germany's Renewable Energy Act

Hermann Scheer was the main architect of Germany's Renewable Energy Act, which set up a system of incentives paid by utilities, which had encouraged hundreds of thousands of home owners and investors to participate in building solar and wind power systems.

read more... 20/10/2010


Enel Green Power would be attractive only if priced at the lower end of the range

Enel's business concerning the listing of its green power utility might be considered attractive, as a long term investment, only if traded with prices at the lower end of the range.

read more... 19/10/2010
