Latest news

France to combat value-added tax fraud in carbon trading.

A French newspaper announced that their country is going to take measures against the new value-added tax (VAT) fraud in carbon trading and in order to exclude it they will present several measures in a short period of time.

read more... 17/11/2010


EU's plan to reduce coal consumption and CO2 emissions

Europe's energy chief will publicly announce this week his project for huge new gas pipelines, so called "electricity highways" and another project for 8,000 km of pipes for transporting and burying greenhouse gases.

read more... 16/11/2010


Spain hydropower and irrigation reserves increased.

Spain's hydropower production capacity and irrigation ability increased last week. Water reserves still are over the average levels, despite little decreases during summer period, thanks to an unusually wet winter and spring.

read more... 15/11/2010


Enel expands its activity in CCS technologies.

Italy's biggest utility Enel and Korea Electric Power Corp have agreed to collaborate over developing carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies.

read more... 12/11/2010


EU posted biggest ever drop in car emissions in 2009.

Average carbon dioxide emissions, from new cars sold in the EU, fell around 5 % in 2009, the most important annual drop ever posted.

read more... 11/11/2010
