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Statoil unveils strong increase in exploration drilling in 2017

Statoil, the Norwegian multinational oil and gas company, announced that it plans to drill around 30 exploration wells in 2017, an increase of around 30 percent compared to last year. More than half of the wells will be drilled on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS).

read more... 05/01/2017


RWE: New initiative for port of Duisburg

Utility RWE and Duisport have committed to jointly create the necessary infrastructure to use LNG (liquefied natural gas) in the Duisburg port.

read more... 05/01/2017


EDF: Dunkirk LNG terminal goes commercial

On 1 January 2017, commercial operations were launched at the Dunkirk regasification terminal in northern France.

read more... 04/01/2017


Direct Energie completes the acquisition of a combined cycle gas turbine in Belgium

The group Direct Energie, third largest gas and power supplier in France, unveiled it completed the acquisition of the entire share capital of Marcinelle Energie, Belgian subsidiary of the Italian group Enel.

read more... 04/01/2017


Gazprom set to regain its share in Lithuania’s gas market in 2017

In the last days of 2016, the biggest Lithuanian gas buyers inked contracts with Russian giant Gazprom which is expected to surpass Norway’s Statoil in terms of the bulk of the country’s gas needs for 2017.

read more... 04/01/2017
