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Uniper wants to extend the operational life of its Ratcliffe coal plant in UK beyond 2025

German utility Uniper wants to run its Ratcliffe coal plant in UK beyond 2025, even if the British government envisages shutting all coal plants without technology to capture carbon emissions by 2025.

read more... 30/11/2016


UK mulls plans for coal-fired power plants closure by 2025

UK's eight remaining coal-fired power plants, which are already 47 years old on average, will be phased out by 2025, as the kingdom switches to generating energy from renewable sources.

read more... 11/11/2016


CEZ will vend Tisova plant to Sokolovska Uhelna, stopping disputes

Czech electricity firm CEZ will vend its 289 MW coal-fired Tisova power and heating plant to Sokolovska Uhelna as part of an agreement stopping long-running contract rows over coal supplies,as stated by the company on Thursday.

read more... 24/10/2016


China to curb plans for coal-fired power plants construction

China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) announced it will further curb plans for the construction of coal-fired power plants by cancelling some projects that were already approved this year.

read more... 20/10/2016


Turkey more than quadruples thermal coal import tax for several nations

The Turkish government has more than quadrupled a tax to $70 a tonne on thermal coal imports employed in electricity generation from Colombia, Russia, South Africa and other significant coal producers, in a bid to back domestic coal production.

read more... 05/10/2016
