Latest news

Indian government gives incentives to electric vehicles producers.

The ministry of new and renewable energy of India decided to offer incentives to electric vehicles producers for the current and next financial year in order to boost sales of environment-friendly vehicles.

read more... 24/11/2010


Plans for a new offshore wind farm in New York.

Local authorities, as well as private and public utility providers gathered to discuss the Long Island – New York City project which is supposed to bring a new wind farm in this state with an estimated area of about 13 to 15 standard miles.

read more... 23/11/2010


Wind and solar power is getting back on its feet in France.

Wind energy recovers its third quarter losses posted earlier this year, while solar energy registered the highest growth rates this year.

read more... 22/11/2010


The new regulatory framework kills Spanish renewable energy.

The Spanish government has emitted a new law that will reduce by 45% subsidized tariffs for ground-mounted solar energy projects this year, decreasing future investments.

read more... 19/11/2010


EU could miss one of its 2020 targets.

Europe could miss the achievement of its target of 20% of generated energy from renewable in the next 10 years, because of lack of financing.

read more... 18/11/2010
