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Infigen Energy builds Solar Farm in Bugendore, New South Wales.

The new Infigen’s Energy PV solar farm project was approved by the New South Wales Department of Planning last week. It will be built on a surface of 100 hectares in Bugendore, next to A.C.T (Australia) and will generate 50 MW of green energy, enough to supply 10.000 homes.

read more... 24/01/2011


New formula of biofuel from forestry heritage of the Washington State

A new project is announced by the Commissioner of Public Lands of the Washington State which bargains for production of fuels from wood wastes.

read more... 21/01/2011


Bulgaria to meet EU’s renewable energy target of 16% by 2020.

Bulgaria has to meet the EU target of 1250MW (which represents 16 %) of energy generation from renewable sources by 2020.

read more... 19/01/2011


Nuove riforme sul mercato energetico britannico devono garantire il futuro del carbone a basso.

Secondo al Fondo Monetario, le proposte del governo britannico, per quanto riguarda le nuove riforme del mercato energetico, potrebberono mettere in pericolo la capacità della Scozia.

read more... 18/01/2011


New reforms on the British energy market must assure low carbon future.

The Monetary Fund notified that the proposals of the British government, concerning the new energy market reforms could jeopardize Scotland’s ability.

read more... 18/01/2011
