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Norway exports 3.5 TWh to UK in power cable’s debut year

Norway had a net export of 3.5 TWh to the UK through the 1.4 GW North Sea Link (NSL) during the interconnector’s first twelve months of operation, UK TSO National Grid said on Thursday.

read more... 21/10/2022


Greece proposes power link to Austria, Germany

Greece has proposed building a cable that will carry electricity produced by renewables to Austria and southern Germany, its Energy Minister said on Thursday.

read more... 21/10/2022


Germany to cap electricity prices by taxing excess profits

Germany's government plans to introduce a cap on electricity prices for households and industry to ease the impact of soaring energy costs, a ministry document seen by Reuters on Wednesday showed.

read more... 20/10/2022


Mercedes-Benz in preliminary offshore wind deal for electricity from 2027

Mercedes-Benz has struck a preliminary agreement with an offshore wind provider to supply electricity equivalent to 25% of its demand in Germany from 2027 onwards, a spokesperson for the carmaker said on Monday.

read more... 19/10/2022


Poland to cap power prices for households, small business

Poland will set a maximum electricity price of 785 zlotys ($156.61) per megawatt hour (MWh) for small businesses and entities such as hospitals and 693 zlotys/MWh for households in 2023, the country's prime minister said on Tuesday.

read more... 12/10/2022
