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Iberdrola Renovables to build an 80 MW wind farm in Romania

A new wind farm will be built in the southeastern part of Romania, in Constanza by a globally known wind company Iberdrola Renovables. The wind plant, called Mihai Viteazu, will consist of 40 wind turbines of 2 MW each and will supply energy to around 1 million people, equal to the population of Romania’s capital, Bucharest. The construction of this wind plant will also lead to a further cut of the CO2 emissions by 1.25 million tones per year.

read more... 25/03/2011


Concentrated solar thermal power instead of unsafe power

The recent events produced in Japan which brought catastrophic consequences for the country’s nation and for all people around the world emphasized the real importance of producing green electricity instead of “unsafe” power.

read more... 24/03/2011


E.ON and Dong Energy see their projects refused by the Scottish government

Recently, the Scottish Government discarded from its governmental new offshore wind plan two wind farm projects, submitted for approval by E.ON with its 300 MW project in the Solway Firth and DONG Energy's 280MW Wigtown Bay project.

read more... 23/03/2011


World Council for Renewable Energy: Renewable energy against New Nuclear Power

After the occurrences at several nuclear power plants in the past such as the ones at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, including the recent events in Japan, the representatives of the World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) met to discuss how to further develop the renewable energy sector. However, some of them continue to sustain a further development of the nuclear power, even if it has shown its dramatic consequences.

read more... 22/03/2011


Largest wind turbines testing centre opened in the Netherlands

A new testing facility was opened in Netherlands, at the Wageningen University and Research Centre which will provide management and testing services for innovative wind turbines manufacturers. The testing centre is the largest facility of its kind in Europe and it was built by the Dutch Company, Ecofys Wind Turbine Testing Services (WTTS).

read more... 18/03/2011
