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Engie to cut gas prices in France by 3.3% in May

French utility Engie will reduce consumer gas prices in France by 3.3 percent starting from May 1, as reported by Le Figaro.

read more... 20/04/2017


Dutch authorities will cut Groningen gas output to limit earthquake risk

The Netherlands intends to cut down production of the Groningen gas field by 10% starting from October 2017 in order to reduce earthquake risk.

read more... 19/04/2017


Albania's Albgaz to be the co-operator of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline

Albania’s Albgaz would receive training for operating the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) AG's Albanian section from the Greece's DESFA gas grid operator.

read more... 18/04/2017


200 natural gas stations to be launched in Europe by Total

French oil giant Total has launched its first natural gas fueling station in France, at Nantes and plans to open over 200 such stations around Europe, including 110 in France.

read more... 13/04/2017


Largest gas storage in UK closed for new supplies for a year

According to an announcement made by Centrica Storage (CSL), UK largest natural gas storage site, Rough, will be closed for new supplies until the end of April 2018.

read more... 13/04/2017
