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Endesa initiates sale of Spanish gas network

Endesa has started the process of selling Spain’s gas distribution and transport network. This deal is estimated at about 760 million euros (1.02 billion U.S. dollars).

read more... 22/04/2010


Gas price discussions between Russia and Ukraine

On Wednesday, the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, met with his counterpart from Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, to discuss the tariff reduction on imported gas, so fundamental for Ukrainian economy.

read more... 21/04/2010


Qatar interested in Russian gas

Qatar invited the Russian energy giant Gazprom to take part in new projects on liquefied natural gas, LNG. The projects that will take place starting from 2014 have the intention to improve the relations between the two countries so rich in natural gas.

read more... 21/04/2010


South Stream deal between Russia and Austria

Vladimir Putin, the Russian Prime Minister, will sign a pipeline transaction with the Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann, after a bilateral dialogue about the construction of South Stream gas pipeline, according to Austrian government.

read more... 21/04/2010


The North Stream Project

Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian President, gave the start to the construction of an important gas pipeline that will bypass Ukraine, after the conflict caused by supply disruptions in the past. This project will give the chance to win an important gas market share in Europe.

read more... 14/04/2010
