Latest news

New solar product to capture over 90 percent of sunlight

An engineer at the University of Missouri (USA), developed a new type of solar modules designed by the engineer’s team can capture more than 90 percent of available sunlight compared to the current solar panels on the market that can only collect only 20 percent of available light.

read more... 18/05/2011


Major sale agreement between Canadian Solar and German Saferay

Recently, one of the major solar module producers, Canadian Solar, has inked a sale agreement with a German based company, Saferay GmbH for a fixed price for solar projects to be developed in Germany. Under the present agreement, the Canadian company is expected to deliver solar modules with the total capacity of 81 MW by the end of the third quarter 2011.

read more... 17/05/2011


Largest solar boat to sail through the Pacific

The largest solar boat, called Turanor Planet, is sailing through the Pacific, trying to convey the idea on the importance to have a clear environment. The solar boat tour started from Monaco in September last year and confronted serious difficulties going out to sea.

read more... 16/05/2011


RenewableUK warns on offshore wind targets

According to the Chief Executive Officer of RenewableUK, McCaffery, an increase in the offshore wind energy share by 40% until 2030 is necessary to open up to 50,000 jobs in offshore wind market over the next ten years.

read more... 13/05/2011


Japan to develop renewable energy sector

A new announcement was made this week by the Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, related to the ulterior course of the domestic energy market shattered after disastrous earthquake and tsunami that imposed the country to substitute its primary electricity generation font with other renewable energy sources.

read more... 12/05/2011
