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Japan nuclear power to pass safety tests

All Japanese nuclear power stations will pass several safety tests as to lower concerns sparked after the nuclear crisis caused by a fatal combination between a tsunami and an earthquake. The government ordered new safety controls of all 54’country’s nuclear reactors, with less details revealed about.

read more... 07/07/2011


View on geothermal feed-in tariffs in Europe

Many countries around the world shifted to geothermal energy following nuclear disaster at the Fukushima nuclear reactors. Most of the activity focused on the development of renewable projects is taking place in Europe, while pioneer in geothermal industry is Italy with over 800 MW in operation installed worldwide, even if the country is not concentrated on strengthening its geothermal industry, even it has a good policy for it.

read more... 24/06/2011


IAEA calls for more stringent nuclear safety inspections

The UN nuclear chief is urging worldwide countries to perform international risk assessments on nuclear reactors within 18 months to avoid the recurrence of atomic disasters such as the one at Fukushima.

read more... 21/06/2011


It’s official, no more nuclear in Switzerland by 2034

Switzerland decided on Wednesday to gradually phase out its five nuclear reactors by 2034, a theme debated among politicians and uprising doubts concerning nuclear energy. The act was approved with 101 voters in favor, 54 against and 36 abstentions.

read more... 09/06/2011


German nuclear phase out will cause intensified CO2 emissions

According to analyst’s points of view, the Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling coalition decision to phase out all Germany's nuclear reactors by 2022 will contribute to bigger CO2 emissions by an estimated 40 million tones, as Germany will switch to fossil fuels.

read more... 02/06/2011
