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Centrica merges oil and gas businesses with Baverngas Norge

The new company will be the result of the joining of British company Centrica’s exploration and production business with Norwegian Baverngas Norge.

read more... 17/07/2017


Global gas demand expected to ascend by 1.6% annually

As reported by the International Energy Agency (IEA), global gas is predicted to rise 1.6% every year, for the next five years, with consumption rising to almost 4,000 billion cubic meters (bcm) by 2022.

read more... 14/07/2017


ReFood opens new waste-to-energy facility in London

ReFood opened a new anaerobic digestion facility in London that is expected to produce 14 million cubic meters of biogas. It will provide power to around 12,600 households every year from processing 160,000 tonnes of wasted food.

read more... 12/07/2017


Iraq’s Maysan Oil drills first well on Iranian border

Iraq’s state-owned Maysan Oil will survey the production of oil and gas at the Haifaya oil field, which was opened during a visit from the Oil Minister Jabrane Al-Luaibi.

read more... 11/07/2017


France to end sales of fossil fuel cars by 2040

At a presentation regarding the Paris climate agreement, Ecology Minister Nicolas Hulot said that France aims to terminate sales of cars fueled by gasoline and diesel by 2040, and become carbon neutral 10 years after that.

read more... 10/07/2017
