Latest news

California to boost investments in rooftop power

The California’s Governor, Jerry Brown met solar developers, economists, policymakers and politicians as to discuss over the future strategy of the renewable industry by investing more in rooftop solar panels.

read more... 27/07/2011


Gamesa to deliver wind turbines for Aldesa

Gamesa, one of the largest wind turbines producers inked an agreement with Aldesa to supply 80 MW of wind turbine to two wind farms in Spain.

read more... 26/07/2011


EU to endorse new biofuel certification scheme

New sustainable biofuel schemes were approved recently by the European Commission which will certify biofuels produced within the European Union or imported into the EU zone. It also underlines the importance of further maintaining the forest and wetland areas of using them incorrectly as to produce biofuel.

read more... 25/07/2011


Energy market Trend for 2011-2021

Natural gas is becoming an attractive energy source for its relative low cost and rising trading demand. Due to fast economy growth, natural gas becomes the best alternative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and be reliant from unpredictably oil price fluctuations and driven global demand. The natural gas and LNG storage market is estimated to worth $18.57bn in 2011.

read more... 22/07/2011


GeoTek to receive 2.85 million dollars from DOE

GeoTek Energy, LLC was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to obtain 450,000 dollars for the initial design of the Gravity Head Energy System (GHES) with the opportunity to obtain a further financial support of up to 2.4 million dollars as to confirm the final design.

read more... 21/07/2011
