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Gas Exporting Countries Forum will expand.

According to statements made this year by the Secretary-General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), Leonid Bokhanovsky, the organization will add new members.

read more... 29/12/2010


World Energy Outlook foresees natural gases prices decrease.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) the price for natural gas will decrease in the next years. The main cause of the natural gases price fall is the faster growth of the supply with less performing demand growth.

read more... 24/12/2010


5bn USD investment in Argentinean unconventional gas.

The Argentinean energy company YPF, owned by Spain's Repsol, announced the investment of about $5 billion along with its partner, the Brazilian company, Vale.

read more... 10/12/2010


Important shale gas reserves discovery in Argentina.

YPF, owned by Spain's Repsol energy company, announced Tuesday a major discovery of about 4,500 billion cubic feet of shale gas in Patagonia which will most probably diminish the country’s imports.

read more... 09/12/2010


U.K.’s National Grid - expansion of LNG import terminal.

U.K.’s National Grid announced the startup of the company’s Isle of grain LNG import terminal in Kent, near London with an extended capacity of over 50 percent.

read more... 07/12/2010
