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Geothermal capacity to reach 25.1 GW by 2020

Global geothermal power capacity could reach 25.1 GW by the end of 2020, with 30 percent produced only in the United States. According to the released report by Pike Research, over 10.7 GW are put into operation in 26 countries, with the United States on the top with 3.08 GW of installed capacity.

read more... 03/10/2011


Mexico’s wind capacity to reach 556.5 MW

Acciona Energy ended the construction of three wind farms in Mexico with a total capacity of 306 MW, consolidating its position in the country as the biggest wind power assets company.

read more... 29/09/2011


One of the largest biomass power plant to be developed in Florida, US

The developers of a 100 MW biomass power plant (GREC), situated in northern Florida, collected a sum of 500 million dollars, necessary to complete the construction of the plant and make it operational by the end of 2013. The plant will be purveyed with clean wood waste such as tops and limbs from harvested trees, urban wood waste and residue from lumber mill operations.

read more... 28/09/2011


A 900% growth in British solar capacity

A 900% increase in the development of the British solar power was registered in just 18 months notwithstanding of a forecasted recession in the British economy. In line with the discharged figures by AEA, a British energy and environmental consultancy firm, solar panels capacity represents about 75% of the renewable installations in the UK, while wind energy and hydropower installations have doubled since the entering into force of the feed- in tariff system.

read more... 27/09/2011


Turkey reached 1600 MW of wind power

According to the statement of the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc, the recently completed wind farm in Akhisar, worth 1.6 billion Euros, is the 72 wind farm of the total in the country.

read more... 26/09/2011
