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Greece to invest 1 billion euros in solar power

According to the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Greece, Evangelos Venizelos, the country will attempt to accelerate the approval of three PV large-scale photovoltaic projects worth 1 billion euros.

read more... 18/10/2011


New feed-in tariffs for anaerobic digestion in UK

The new feed-in tariff scheme for anaerobic digestion in UK was approved by the European Commission that took effect last September 30. Under the new scheme, the projects under 250 kW will receive 14 pence per kWh and 13 pence per kWh for projects with a capacity between 250 and 500 kW, while the anaerobic utilities up to 500 kW will receive 12.1 pence per kWh.

read more... 17/10/2011


BP to invest 800 million dollars in a wind farm

BP, a giant oil company, revealed its plans to invest 800 million dollars in the construction of a wind farm in Kansas (USA), Flat Ridge 2, as to strengthen its position as the major player in America’s rapidly growing renewable industry and boost the local economy by creating thus about 500 jobs.

read more... 13/10/2011


UK registers an increase in renewables

Renewable energy is a fast growing sector, recording an increased demand for green energy year on year around the world. Furthermore, electricity is getting more expensive, fact that pushes people to use green power that is less expensive.

read more... 12/10/2011


European interconnected offshore grid to be built

The released report “Offshore Electricity Grid Infrastructure in Europe” shows that billions of Euros could be saved by building a new offshore electricity grid in Europe that will connect North and Baltic Sea wind farms and provide cheaper electricity to consumers.

read more... 11/10/2011
