Latest news

Wind power passes 6 GW in UK

According to the trade association of renewable energy in UK, the national wind sector has hit a landmark 6 GW of installed capacity, enough to generate power to 3,354,893 homes. The Renewable UK’s Chief Executive, Mari Mc Caffery said this is a national achievement and there’s a further 19.5 GW of capacity under construction, consented or in planning.

read more... 30/01/2012


Spain to slash subsidies for green energy

The Spanish government announced that it is cutting the subsidies for renewable energy projects, a sector which made the country a leader among the European countries, as part of a strategy to cope with its budget deficit and to reduce its power-system borrowings backed by the state that hit 24 billion euros ($31 billion) at the end of 2011.

read more... 30/01/2012


UK Government loses solar subsidies court appeal

The UK government lost its appeal on Wednesday against a court's ruling that its cuts to solar power subsidies were illegal, suggesting thousands of homes and businesses will now be able to claim the higher payments.

read more... 27/01/2012


Scottish wind farms to get £7.6 billion to be connected to the UK grid

The UK energy watchdog Ofgem announced that it is on the way to approve a significant investment of £7.6 billion in order to connect new Scottish wind farms and other renewable energy power sources to the UK grid.

read more... 26/01/2012


DOE to launch online support for small wind power

The new instruments announced by the Department of Energy (DOE) have been recently developed to support small wind power in order to facilitate solving policy issues as to boost the development of renewable energy. The new tools provided by DOE offer particular information for specific locations on the current potential of wind, thus providing support to clients to pick out the most adequate location for wind energy system of different sizes and types.

read more... 25/01/2012
