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Italians develop revolutionary floating solar panels

The Italian inventors created new prototype of solar panels, called floating solar panels, which will absorb the sun on Italy’s Lake Colignola and will provide a cost-effective, more visually attractive way to catch the sun’s power.

read more... 01/03/2012


Wind power takes fright as government reviews subsidies

The bright future of British wind power is currently under review as government is seeing to review the subsidies. According to Offshore Wind Developers Forum, it has recently guaranteed that British companies should provide more than half of the content of the UK’s future wind factories. If optimistic predictions for the sector are borne out, offshore wind industry could spark 3 billion pounds investments in the UK supply flow by 2022, sustaining over 45,000 long-term jobs.

read more... 29/02/2012


Spain leaves renewable top 10 to curb its budget deficit

Spain, known as the top-ranked renewable energy market for investors, is leaving the top 10 after the Spanish government has decided to suspend all subsidies for renewable energy projects, with immediate effect, meaning it will no longer provide subsidies for new wind, solar, co-generation or waste incineration projects.

read more... 28/02/2012


Canadian Solar-increase in the fourth-quarter PV shipment guidance

Canadian Solar Inc. sees an increase in shipments for the fourth quarter to the range of 430 to 440 MW, or by 22 percent compared with the previous guidance of 340 to 360 MW for the period ending December 31.

read more... 27/02/2012


China to cut solar cell costs and increase efficiency

China’s Ministry Industry and Information Technology said that it has set a target to cut photovoltaic solar power generating costs to 0.8 yuan ($0.13) per kilowatt hour (kWh) by 2015 and 0.6 yuan/kWh by 2020.

read more... 24/02/2012
