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EDF Energy to stop aggressive doorstep practice

EDF Energy, the British arm of France's biggest energy company EDF, is the latest of the “big six” to announce the suspension of its doorstep sales practice, following the similar actions of other energy suppliers as British Gas in August and Scottish and Southern Energy in July.

read more... 12/09/2011


Controversial gas pipeline on fast track development

The controversial and long-term disputed gas pipeline by the US, which links Pakistan and Iran, will be completed two years ahead before of its deadline by December 2012.

read more... 09/09/2011


EIA raises 2011 natural gas production forecast

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) in the recent released Short-Term Energy Outlook raised its forecast for domestic natural gas production for 2011, expecting total production to soar 6.4% from 2010 levels.

read more... 08/09/2011


Russia launches a partial alternative to nuclear energy

Russia has injected yesterday the first gas into a controversial pipeline that will detour neighbors as Ukraine and pump gas directly to Western Europe starting from the next month. The ceremony was attended by The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

read more... 07/09/2011


GDF Suez to become a natural gas storage leader

French utility GDF Suez has inked a deal to buy 5 natural gas underground storage facilities in Germany and a 19.7% stake in another one, strengthening its leading position in Europe.

read more... 06/09/2011
