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Poland might veto EU law on shale gas

During a conference on shale gas which took place on Wednesday, at Krakow, Maciej Olex-Szczytowski, an adviser to the Polish foreign minister on economics and business sustained that Poland would veto any European legislation which will threaten its energy policy.

read more... 03/10/2011


Natural gas versus coal: UK Gas demand 2 % down this winter

According to the estimations of National Grid, the UK network operator, the British gas demand will decline by 2 % this winter, as the power plants prefer cheaper coal to produce electricity instead of natural gas, even if the gas fired plants eliminate less carbon emissions.

read more... 30/09/2011


BP to enter Southern Corridor Pipeline battle

The British oil giant, BP may consider another pipeline for the transportation of natural gas from its Shah Deniz field, in the Azeri sector of the Caspian Sea, known as the South-East Europe Pipeline, which may compete with three other potential routes as Nabucco, the Trans-Adriatic and the IGI Poseidon.

read more... 27/09/2011


GDF Suez pledges for fracturing improvement

The biggest European natural gas firm, Paris-based, GDF Suez, agrees with the French government that the hydraulic fracturing practice must be improved to protect environment, according to the head of company declarations.

read more... 26/09/2011


Russia and Ukraine seek a resolution for gas dispute

During a meeting between Russian and Ukrainian Presidents, Dmitry Medvedev and Viktor Yanukovych late on September 24, the countries discussed about a prior gas deal between the two partners, at which Ukraine tried to persuade Russia to change the terms of a gas supply deal between the two ex-Soviet nations, saying that it is paying too much under the current deal.

read more... 26/09/2011
