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Russian gas exports to be hit by the Third Energy Package directive

Russia envisages redirecting its gas exports to the Asia-Pacific region after the EU introduced the Third Energy Package that imposes some limits in the cooperation between Russia and the European Union.

read more... 20/10/2011


Dong Energy to gain territory on the UK gas market

The Danish energy giant DONG Energy signed an agreement with Shell Gas Direct, a branch of the energy group Royal Dutch Shell which provides the purchase of Shell’s industrial and commercial gas business in the UK, for £30 million.

read more... 19/10/2011


Nabucco denies the rumors of postponement

According to the recent declarations of one of the shareholders in the Nabucco project, the pipeline which aims to reduce the European dependence on Russian gas, may deliver its first gas in 2018, a year later than anticipated.

read more... 17/10/2011


China reveals its shale gas output target

China, as the world’s second largest energy consumer, envisages the development of unconventional energy in order to meet its soaring demand for energy. Thus, the Chinese government revealed its plans to explore the country’s huge potential of shale gas reserves, as a result of some European countries’ decisions to ban the exploration of shale gas.

read more... 13/10/2011


Russia and China close to sign a milestone gas agreement

According to the Russian officials’ declarations on Tuesday, Russia is close to signing a milestone agreement involving the supply of natural gas to the world’s biggest energy consumer, China.

read more... 12/10/2011
