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Nord Stream opened by Merkel and Medvedev

The Nord Stream project was officially opened on November 8, in the German town of Lubmin, by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Russian President Dimitry Medvedev. The new gas pipeline will deliver Siberian gas directly to German gas consumers under the Baltic Sea bypassing the transit countries such as Ukraine and Poland.

read more... 09/11/2011


BP invested $33 billion in Azerbaijani energy fields

The British energy giant, BP has invested $33 billion in developing Shah Deniz and the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (ACG) field, which will involve as well the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and the South Caucasus pipelines.

read more... 04/11/2011


Chevron to begin exploratory drilling of shale gas in Poland

The Polish subsidiary of Chevron announced it began exploratory drilling to assess the shale gas potential in Poland. The well will be drilled in Horodysko hamlet, near Lesniowice, on the Grabowiec concessions in Lubelskie.

read more... 04/11/2011


GDF Suez to expand its presence in China and Asia-Pacific

The French power and gas company GDF Suez announced on Monday that it has signed two deals with Chinese sovereign wealth fund CIC and state-owned energy company CNOOC as it looks to strengthen its presence in China and Asia-Pacific.

read more... 03/11/2011


No Swiss ban on natural gas purchased from Iran

The National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC) has rejected Western media claims that a Swiss company has imposed a ban on gas purchase from Iran.

read more... 02/11/2011
