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EDF to boost its stake in Edison

The French electricity company EDF has inked a deal with Italian shareholders that will give it majority control in Edison, Italy’s second-biggest power supplier. Edison, which has a market value of about 4 billion euros (5.2 billion U.S. dollars), is now controlled by EDF and a group of Italian investors led by regional utility A2A, which hold their stakes through holding company Delmi. EDF unveiled in a statement that the preliminary agreement included the acquisition of Edison by EDF and the acquisition of Edipower by A2A.

read more... 30/12/2011


Major natural gas discovery in Cyprus

Cyprus has announced a major gas discovery, estimated between 5-8 trillion cubic feet (140-230 billion cubic meters), which is a significant quantity for the small island.

read more... 29/12/2011


China: natural gas imports set to jump

China, the world’s second-largest oil consumer will continue to be dependent on natural gas imports, which account for more than half of the Chinese total consumption.

read more... 28/12/2011


Venezuela: Major gas agreement with Eni and Repsol

Venezuelan state energy giant Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) inked a supply contract with Italy's Eni SpA and Spain's Repsol YPF for development of the South American country's massive offshore Perla gas field.

read more... 27/12/2011


China to begin shale gas commercial production by 2015

China aims to start its first commercial production of shale gas by 2015, according to Che Changbo, deputy director of the Ministry of Land and Resource’s oil and gas strategy center.

read more... 26/12/2011
