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Japan to make a $34 bln investment in Australian gas

Japanese oil and gas producer Inpex and French energy giant Total announced on Friday a major $34 billion gas project off Australia, with most of the liquefied natural gas produced sent to energy-hungry Japan, as it is seeking for an alternative to nuclear power following the Fukushima catastrophe.

read more... 13/01/2012


British geologists: fracking will not induce earthquakes

British geologists have argued this week during a London briefing that the controversial process of hydraulic fracking, used in the extraction natural gas and oil, in the UK will not cause significant earthquakes and will pose little danger to the environment if given appropriate safeguards.

read more... 12/01/2012


Shell-Exxon venture to discover the largest gas field in the Netherlands since 1995

A joint venture between Shell and ExxonMobil, called Nam, said it has successfully drilled a significant new onshore natural gas field in the Netherlands.

read more... 10/01/2012


North Sea Energy has been awarded new blocks in UK North Sea

The British Department of Energy and Climate Change awarded three news blocks in the North Sea to an oil and gas explorer and producer, North Sea Energy. The blocks were awarded in the 26th Seaward Licensing Round. These are: the Norfolk prospect, the Norfolk East lead and the Badger lead.

read more... 06/01/2012


South Stream pipeline gets Turkey greenlight

Turkey gave greenlight to the South Stream gas pipeline which will transport gas to southeast Europe bypassing Ukraine. The pipeline will pass under Turkey territorial waters and it is expected to deliver gas in 2015.

read more... 02/01/2012
