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Ukraine to cut the amount of natural gas imports from Russia

The Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov declared that Ukraine refuses to pay for large volumes of gas from Russia, as set out in current contracts, ahead of continued negotiations with Russia, as Kiev considers them as unfair.

read more... 20/01/2012


It is official: Turkey approves the construction of South Stream pipeline

Turkey has announced in December that it gives all necessary approvals for the South Stream pipeline project, allowing the construction to proceed and to be executed on schedule, before the end of 2015. The news was officially confirmed by Moscow on January, 9, stating that the pipeline will be built through Turkey’s Black Sea exclusive economic zone, en route to central Europe.

read more... 20/01/2012


Bulgaria forbids Chevron from using hydraulic fracking technique

The Bulgarian lawmakers banned the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing and imposed a 100 million-lev ($65 million) fine for offenders, baffling Chevron’s Corp plans to explore for natural-gas deposits in the Balkan country.

read more... 19/01/2012


Societe Generale: European gas demand hit a record drop in 2011

According to the data provided by the European bank Societe Generale, gas demand in EU declined by 11% in 2011, being the largest drop ever recorded in Europe.

read more... 18/01/2012


Eni discovers huge amount of natural gas in one of the poorest nations

The Italian energy major Eni and Anadarko Petroleum Corp. have discovered a big reserve of natural gas in one of the world’s poorest regions in the Indian Ocean, near the coast of Mozambique. The deposit, called Mambo, may contain about 20 trillion cubic feet of gas.

read more... 17/01/2012
