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Wind power could meet half of the world’s total power demand by 2030

According to some researchers, in about 20 years wind turbines could meet half of the world’s future energy demand with minimal environmental impact. Researchers calculated the potential of wind power worldwide, taking into account the effects that turbines would have on surface temperatures, water vapor and other climatic considerations.

read more... 11/09/2012


Germany has installed 543 MW of Solar Power Capacity

According to the data received by the German Federal Network Agency, Germany added 543 MW of new photovoltaic capacity in July 2012, a little less than the 572 MW added in July 2011 , reaching a total of 4.9 GW of Germany’s total installed capacity for the first half of 2012

read more... 10/09/2012


USA to become third largest photovoltaic market in 2012

The U.S. photovoltaic market registered a considerably increase in the first six months of 2012 reaching 1.7 GW and it is expected that will reach roughly 4.3 GW for all the 2012, according to IMS Research. Also IMS revealed that the U.S. market has grown by more than 120%, while in the same period installations reached only 750 MW last year.

read more... 07/09/2012


China surpassed the U.S. as the leader in installed wind power

The U.S. is not the leader anymore when it comes to world installed wind power generating capacity.

read more... 06/09/2012


E.ON to expand in the U.S solar market

German utility E.ON wants to expand in the U.S. solar market and is planning to install a capacity of 120 MW annually from 2015, said Mike Winkel, the CEO of the company’s renewable unit. The first photovoltaic plant that E.ON will build in the U.S. will be located in Arizona and will have a total capacity of 8 MW.

read more... 05/09/2012
