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Electricity exchanges urge Spain, Portugal not to act alone on power prices

Power trading platforms are urging the Spanish government not to intervene alone in the system that sets the price of electricity, in its bid to bring down sky-high utility bills, according to a letter seen by Reuters.

read more... 27/04/2022


EU countries edge towards deal to share out emissions-cutting efforts

European Union countries are edging towards a deal on how to share the burden of cutting greenhouse gas emissions within the EU, with states poised to accept national targets proposed by Brussels last year, according to diplomats and a draft document seen by Reuters.

read more... 22/04/2022


EU could revisit renewable targets in push to quit Russian energy

The European Union may set more ambitious targets for its transition to renewable energy as it seeks alternatives to imports of oil and gas from Russia, EU climate policy chief Frans Timmermans said on Sunday.

read more... 11/04/2022


Finland to invest 850 million euros to speed up Russian energy exit

Finland will invest up to 850 million euros ($924 million) in ensuring it meets its energy needs and to speed up breaking away from dependence on Russian supply, the government said on Thursday.

read more... 08/04/2022


Germany unveils major electricity sector revamp

The German government presented on Wednesday (6 April) a comprehensive revamp of the country’s electricity sector, outlining new frameworks for renewables, power grids and markets in order to set the country on track to reach climate neutrality.

read more... 07/04/2022
