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Germany adds about 1 GW of new PV installations, despite tariff cuts

The Federal Network Agency of Germany has released the latest data regarding the photovoltaic installations for the month of September, according to which newly installed photovoltaic systems reached 980.83 MW in September, almost three times as much as was added in August (329 MW).

read more... 01/11/2012


Vestas to reach 3000 MW of installed capacity in Italy

Vestas has achieved 3000MW of installed capacity in Italy, which accounts for 40% of the total installed wind energy in the country and 25% of its renewable energy obligation under EU 2020 targets.

read more... 31/10/2012


London Array produced its first power

One of the world’s largest offshore wind farm, the London Array project, has delivered its first power to the grid last week. The wind farm which is situated in Thames Estuary, around 20 km off the coasts of Kent and Essex is being developed by a joint venture between Dong Energy, E.ON and Masdar.

read more... 30/10/2012


A €280 million solar thermal power plant inaugurated in Spain

The Madrid-based infrastructure company Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC) has achieved the construction of its first solar thermal power in Spain.

read more... 30/10/2012


UK solar installations reached 1.3 GW due to drastic cuts in FiT

The Department of Energy and Climate Change has released new figures according to which a total capacity of 1.3 GW of solar installations was installed nationally at the end of September 2012. The severe cuts in feed-in tariffs for solar power in the UK reduced installations by almost 60 % in April, leaving the government far behind from its goal of 22 GW of PV by 2020.

read more... 26/10/2012
