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Gazprom to start natural gas supplies via Nord Stream 2 in 2020: CEO

Russian natural gas company Gazprom will be ready to start gas supplies via Nord Stream 2 in January 2020, the CEO of Gazprom Alexey Miller said at the International Gas Forum in St. Petersburg on Thursday.

read more... 05/10/2018


Kingspan joins global initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Kingspan Group has announced its commitment to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

read more... 05/10/2018


Gazprom and OMV sign agreement on assets sales

The Russian gas giant of Gazprom and the Austrian OMV company signed on Wednesday a basic agreement on the sales of assets following the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Gazprom said in a statement.

read more... 04/10/2018


Dutch, German natural gas flows to Belgium hit multi-month highs on Monday as UK's stop

Belgian natural gas imports from neighboring Germany and Netherlands rose to multi-month highs on Monday as imports from the UK via IUK interconnector stopped because of a long-term capacity contract at the start of the new gas year.

read more... 03/10/2018


West of Shetland deal provides big boost for oil and gas industry

Norwegian oil and gas giant Equinor has shown huge confidence in the potential of the West of Shetland area by striking a deal to buy in to Rosebank, which it described as one of the biggest undeveloped finds on the UK Continental Shelf.

read more... 02/10/2018
