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UK: sixth in the world in terms of renewable energy investments

According to the last edition of PA Consulting Group’s Energy Investment Map which includes 30 countries in Europe, Asia Pacific, the Gulf, BRICS and the US aiming to offer investors an general idea of where they could have the best opportunities.

read more... 21/06/2013


UK electricity production increased 20% in 2012

In 2012, electricity generated from renewables represented 11.3%, increasing in comparison to 9.4% in 2011. Generally, renewable electricity generation increased 20%, to 41.1 TWh in 2012 from 34.4 TWh in 2011, while capacity increased 26% to 15.5 GW.

read more... 20/06/2013


Poland could generate 6 GW of offshore wind energy by 2025

According to a report released by Ernst & Young for the Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA), Poland’s economy could improve by almost 17.5 billion euro by 2025 if it expands its offshore wind energy sector to a capacity of 6 GW.

read more... 18/06/2013


Global wind turbines could exceed the threshold of 300 GW this year

World installed wind power has all the chances to exceed 300 GW of capacity this year, the equivalent of 114 nuclear power plants, according to data provided by European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and the Global Wind Energy Council.

read more... 17/06/2013


Germany: Angela Merkel wants to curb renewables incentives

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel unveiled at an energy conference in Berlin on June 12 a U turn in the German renewable energy policy, as she aims to curb the renewable energy incentives in favor of power grid modernization and lower pressure on the rising electricity prices.

read more... 13/06/2013
