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Daily (09.11.2018): Carbon prices gained 25% week-on-week to settle around the €20-level on Thursday in a tight session

Oil futures continued the bearish run on Thursday, on worries about global oversupply due to trade war between US and China, the world’s biggest economies. OPEC members stated that a reduction in outputs might be required. Brent crude significantly dropped by 2% to $70.65 a barrel. WTI crude also lost 1.6% to settle at $60.67 a barrel.

read more... 09/11/2018


Daily (08.11.18): Carbon prices surged by 6% around the 19-euro levels on Wednesday in a strong auction

Record U.S. crude production and increased concerns of a global oversupply put pressure on oil prices on Wednesday. US sanctions against Iran failed to support the market, as waivers have been offered to 8 eight countries, including three of the world's major importers, allowing them to continue acquiring Iranian crude for six months.

read more... 08/11/2018


Daily (07.11.2018): Oil prices fell on Tuesday, on worries over global demand and Iran sanctions waivers

Oil prices shed on Tuesday, as Iran stated it had been able to sell as much oil as it needed to sell, despite sanctions imposed a day earlier. On the other side, increased concerns over global oil demand amid trade war between the world’s biggest economies also put pressure on prices. Accordingly, Brent crude decreased by 1.4% to $72.13 a barrel, settling at 8-month lows. WTI crude was at $62.21 a barrel, losing 1.4% comparing to its previous settlement.

read more... 07/11/2018


Daily (06.11.2018): NBP spot dropped by over 3% on Monday, due to warm weather and weaker demand

After 5 consecutive days of declines, oil prices edged slightly higher on Monday, as sanctions against Iranian exports were imposed, except for a few countries which have been allowed to continue crude procurement from the Islamic nation. Brent crude rose 0.5% to $73.17a barrel, but gains were limited by US-China trade tensions. WTI crude was almost unchanged at $63.10 a barrel.

read more... 06/11/2018


Japan set to prepare for resuming Iran oil imports - trade minister

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese buyers of Iranian crude are expected to prepare for resuming oil imports from the Islamic Republic after the country was granted a waiver from U.S. sanctions, trade minister Hiroshige Seko said on Tuesday.

read more... 06/11/2018
