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Britons warned energy bills could jump another 40% in October

Household energy bills in Britain look set to surge by another 40% in October, the industry regulator warned on Tuesday, deepening a cost-of-living crisis that is piling pressure on the government to do more to help the poorest.

read more... 25/05/2022


France to get near EUR 4bn in fees for onshore wind – lobby

The French state is set to benefit to the tune of EUR 3.7bn in fees from onshore wind producers this year, industry lobby group France Energie Eolienne (FEE) said late on Tuesday.

read more... 14/04/2022


Support grows for reopening Dutch gas taps amid supply crisis

An increasing number of people and industry experts in the Netherlands are in favour of producing more gas from the country’s huge but depleting Groningen gas field amid growing concerns about a Europe-wide energy supply crunch.

read more... 25/03/2022


Italy OKs $9 billion in energy aid, including EV incentives

The Italian government approved almost 8 billion euros ($9 billion) in aid to shield consumers and companies from soaring energy prices that are weighing on the economic outlook, including 1 billion euros for the automotive industry.

read more... 21/02/2022


EC must refrain from EU ETS intervention

The European Commission must avoid intervening in the EU ETS until a full report on carbon market trading by the European Security and Markets Authority (Esma) is published, 10 industry bodies said in joint letter late on Tuesday.

read more... 17/02/2022
