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Russia launched its first renewables tender to spur green energy generation

Russia, being an oil and gas giant, has launched its first renewable energy tender, auctioning about 500MW in capacity, mostly to solar projects.

read more... 30/09/2013


UK: renewable generation increased more than 50% in the second quarter of 2013

According to figures offered by DECC in the second quarter of this year renewables output in UK increased 56% to 12.8 TWh. Due to increased capacity and high wind speeds wind production augmented by 62%, hydro was up almost 30% while solar, wave and tidal registered a 22% increase.

read more... 27/09/2013


UK ranks sixth in terms of new solar PV installed globally

During the first semester of 2013 the UK registered a new record in terms of new solar PV capacity installed globally. UK added 802 MW of new solar PV installations, representing 5.5% of 14.9% installed globally. It is the strongest first-half year ever for the UK PV industry. The UK was sixth only after China, Japan, Germany, Italy and the U.S..

read more... 26/09/2013


Dong Energy to quadruple its offshore wind capacity by 2020

Dong Energy is aiming to have installed 6.5GW of operating offshore wind capacity in north-west Europe by the end of the decade, with an intermediate target of 3.5GW by end-2016. Dong has publicly adopted an unprecedented target of reducing its offshore wind cost of energy to €100/MW by 2020. This would correspond to at least 47% less than Germany's current feed-in tariff for offshore wind generation, which is set at EUR 190/kWh. The new 2020 benchmark target for offshore wind is to quadruple installed offshore wind capacity from its currently 1.7GW to 6.5GW in 2020.

read more... 24/09/2013


India to build an ultra mega green solar power project by 2016

The Indian government unveiled its plans to build a 4GW project near Sambhar Lake in Rajasthan, being the largest solar power plant in the world.

read more... 24/09/2013
