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The green energy sector in Italy is the one with the highest potential in Europe

The renewable energy sector in Italy is one with the highest prospective in Europe, being today a leading producer of electricity from renewable sources. The solar PV capacity has seen a great success, growing 3000% over the past three years. The wind market has also seen constant high levels of investment, with the number of installations increasing by almost 40% in 2012.

read more... 18/10/2013


UK: Small and medium wind installations recorded a 71% increase in 2012

According to a report called 'Small and Medium Wind Market Report 2013', the UK installed about 3,743 small and medium wind turbines amounting 37.52MW capacity in 2012, posting a boost of 71% compared to 3,086 turbines totaling 21.92MW at the end of 2011.

read more... 18/10/2013


Germany's green energy surcharge will increase 18% in 2014

German network operators have announced that the surcharge added to German electricity bills to cover the cost of renewables is set to increase 18 % to a record high of 6.24 cents per kilowatt hour. The charge has more than quintupled in the last 4 years, while increasing German household power bills, which now are the third- highest in the European Union.

read more... 17/10/2013


Wind energy associations met in Spain to call for a 2030 renewables target

Last week, CEOs of 12 national wind energy associations from across Europe met in Spain to unite their efforts in a call for a compulsory 2030 renewable energy target.

read more... 15/10/2013


UK: Wind projects and subsidies

The number of turbine projects granted planning permission has more than doubled over the last two years, from 83, in January to August 2011, to 188 during the same period this year, while critics of wind farms say they are inefficient and reliant on public subsidies.

read more... 14/10/2013
