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PGNiG and Chevron to explore for shale gas reserves in the southeast of Poland

Poland’s oil and gas company PGNiG, signed a letter of intent with American fuel giant Chevron, on the terms of a possible cooperation on shale gas exploration projects, which would bring together four licences in southeastern Poland.

read more... 17/12/2013


Shale gas to cut Poland’s CO2 emissions

The possibility offered by Poland’s shale gas reserves will allow the country to build upon its recent economic development, as well as to reshape its energy sector.

read more... 13/12/2013


Turkey could increase its share in TANAP project

Turkey has demanded to Azerbaijan to increase its share in Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP), the head of Azerbaijan's state energy company SOCAR, Rovnag Abdullayev, said this week at a conference. Currently Turkey owns a 20% share in the project, while the rest of the shares belong to SOCAR of Azerbaijan.

read more... 12/12/2013


Romania: Chevron forced to suspend shale gas explorations

US oil major Chevron halted exploration works for shale gas in eastern Romania for the second time in two months, as a lot of people gathered to protest against government support for shale gas exploration and separate plans to set up Europe’s largest open-cast gold mine in a small Carpathian town.

read more... 10/12/2013


Russia and EU ready to discuss on ending antitrust probe

Last year, the European Commission formally opened an antitrust probe on concerns that Gazprom might be obstructing competition in Central and Eastern European gas markets and might have manipulated gas flows to its advantage, prevented diversification of supply, and by linking gas prices to oil prices.

read more... 09/12/2013
