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Northern Ireland's first large-scale solar farm has obtained the go ahead

The largest solar farm in Northern Ireland has been given the go-ahead by the Government. The 27-acre solar farm located in Tullynaskeagh Road, Downpatrick will be connected to the nearby NIE sub-station and national grid, representing the first approval for such a large-scale solar farm in Northern Ireland. The solar project will have a total capacity of 5.1MW, capable of generating electricity to power more than 1,500 homes.

read more... 07/02/2014


Wind power capacity increased worldwide in 2013

The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has recently released its 2013 market statistics according to which installed wind capacity increased to more than 318 gigawatts in 2013, up from nearly 283 GW a year before. Global wind energy capacity has tripled over the past five years to reach a total of 318,137 MW. At the same time as wind capacity increased 12.4% last year, wind installations slowed, reaching about 35.5 GW, almost 10 GW less in comparison to a year earlier, mostly due to a drop in the United States.

read more... 06/02/2014


Germany: solar PV installations more than halved in 2013

According to the federal solar industry association BSW, Germany’s total installed solar capacity additions plunged 55% in 2013 to 3.3GW, decreasing considerably if compared to 7.6GW in 2012, when it detained the world's top spot in new installations, bringing annual solar PV additions back in line with government expansion targets. Generally, Germany's total installed solar PV capacity has reached around 35.7 GW, having more than tripled over the past four years.

read more... 04/02/2014


Dong Energy sells 50% share in London Array

DONG Energy has today signed an agreement to sell half of its 50% share in the 630 MW offshore wind farm London Array, to the Canadian financial institution, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (La Caisse), for a total sum of 644 million pounds. The transaction is likely to be completed in the first six months of this year, after which DONG Energy will have a total ownership share of 25 per cent, representing 157.5 MW.

read more... 03/02/2014


Wind: Spain’s main electricity source

According to the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE), in 2013 wind power was the main source of energy in Spain, covering almost 21 percent of total demand and producing something like 54,478 GWh of electricity last year, nuclear power produced 20.8 percent of the country’s energy requirements, followed by hydroelectric power which met 14.4 % of demand, almost doubling in comparison to a year before. Combined-cycle plants accounted for 9.6 percent, coal-fueled plants 14.6 percent while solar photovoltaic only 3.1 percent.

read more... 31/01/2014
