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France among the less polluter in the world

With an annual amount of 9 tons of CO2 emissions per inhabitant, France has lower CO2 emissions than other most developed countries, due to the dominance of non-releasing gas emissions generating power sources: nuclear (77%) and hydroelectricity (12%).

read more... 21/06/2010


Solar and offshore wind capacity objectives of Spain to be lowered

Spanish solar and offshore wind capacity targets have been reduced, though keeping the goal of deriving 20 percent of its electricity from renewable energy.

read more... 16/06/2010


New contract for GDF Suez in Saudi Arabia

The French energy giant announced about the signing of a new contract for the construction of a 1730 MW power plant in Saudi Arabia. The new plant would be built as an Independent Power Project (IPP), 125 km west from Saudi Arabia capital, Al Riyadh. Simultaneously, GDF signed the contract to sell the electricity produced at this plant to Saudi Electric Company (SEC). The duration of the contract is 20 years.

read more... 16/06/2010


EDF might sell nuclear power to competitors

Ongoing debates in the French parliament could lead to the obligation of EDF, the French nuclear giant, to sell 25 % of its nuclear electricity to competitors in France, in order to boost competition in the electricity market, where EDF holds the key position at the moment.

read more... 04/06/2010


GDF Suez interested in Italian nuclear sector

The decision of the Italian government to obtain in the future 25% of its electricity from nuclear power made of Italy an interesting investment country for GDF Suez, the French nuclear power giant.

read more... 27/05/2010
